Monday, December 18, 2017

3rd Grade Summarizing

Somebody Wanted But So Then

Over the past two weeks I have had the opportunity to visit all our 3rd grade classrooms. We were working on summarizing a story and a passage. First, we talked about what a summary is and why we would use a summary (tell a parent about our school day or a book we were reading, etc). Then we talked about what we would include in our summary (people. places, and the problem). This led us to use the Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then Smekens outline. 


After introducing SWBST, the students returned to their seats to use Google Classroom. They linked to Sneezy the Snowman and listened to the story read aloud online. After listening to the story I completed the SWBST chart with the students help. We used turn and talk to discuss each part. 
When we finished, the students were partnered up and returned to their seats to complete the SWBST chart using The Littlest Elf. They submitted their responses on Google Classroom. 
After completing this task, students returned to their desks and we read the passage, "The Baseball Game." I modeled how to copy and paste the text and how to use the highlighting tool. With their same partner, students returned to their work area and read the passage, "Beach Day." This was done on Google Slides which made it easy for the students to go back and highlight in the text. Turning the assignment in on Google Docs was a little different, so we also learned how to turn an assignment in using Google Slides. 3rd Grade is doing an AWESOME job using Google Classroom and Google Docs! 

Here is a link to the SWBST Chart and Cards

1st Grade Sequencing

1st Grade Sequencing

This past week I had the opportunity to visit our 1st grade classrooms and teach a lesson. First, I introduced sequencing by talking about what we do in the mornings (getting out of bed, getting dressed, eating breakfast..etc) and that the order matters. Next, we read the book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell to the first graders. After reading they helped me sequence the story by turning and talking to there neighbor. They had to tell me what the Old Lady Swallowed and why she swallowed it. 

 Before we started my lesson we set up google classroom so students could access two different read alouds online. The students linked to Who Will Guide my Sleigh Tonight? and listened to the story. When they listened to it by themselves once they were partnered with a group of three. Most of the groups relistened to the story as they used cards to sequence the story. 

We finished the lesson by linking to Sneezy the Snowman on goggle classroom so the students could listen aloud online. 2 of the classes completed the sequencing using a worksheet. 2 of the other classes used Google Slides and we worked on trying to use it for the first time. Since all the students are using the teacher login we worked on staying on their slide and moving only their pictures!