Friday, February 22, 2019

1st Grade Fact and Opinion

Fact and Opinion

This week I had the opportunity to Co-Teach with Mrs. Hildreth in first grade. Our lesson focus was on teaching the difference between fact and opinion. Before the lesson was taught Mrs. Hildreth and I collaborated together on ideas beforehand. Mrs. Hildreth started the lesson using a fact and opinion video. It defined the different facets of each and at the end had a try it section. We used turn and talk and had students share what they were learning throughout the video.
Next we looked at a picture and had the partners come up with different facts and opinions. We shared out at the end and let the students decide if the student was saying a fact or opinion. We had the students reference the anchor chart when needed! 

At the end of the lesson, we used Google Classroom and Google Slides to link to an interactive Fact and Opinion Sort. Mrs. Hildreth took her "pull-out" group and sat with them during this portion. This allowed her to have the students read and repeat the sentences being read. The students enjoyed using Google Slides and the interactive document. 

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