Friday, March 8, 2019

4th Grade Main Idea Versus Theme

4th Grade--Main Idea Versus Theme and Constructed Response Using Google Classroom

This week I had the opportunity to visit our fourth grade classrooms and model a lesson on Main Idea versus Theme and Construed Response using Edulastic.

The main idea lesson started off with using an anchor chart. It allowed us to look at the differences between main idea and theme. It also pointed out how our readers can determine the difference between the two. 

We used the passage "A Tricky Monkey" to pull Theme and Main Idea from. Using Edulastic allowed for students to practice the drag and drop feature and hot text feature they will see on ILEARN. 

The other lesson I did in 4th grade this week focused on using Edulastic to write a constructed response after reading an article. I pulled the article: Issue Overview: Should we have Zoos? from Newsela and copied it right into Edulastic. You can do the same with all the questions and answers.

Issue Overview: Zoos Edulastic (Qs and CR)
Issue Overview: Zoos Edulastic (Only Constructed Response)
Theme Versus Main Idea: Edulastic

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